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(from: Google)

Hello Everyone! Today is the third day of the Lunar Year.



Traditionally, second day of the CNY is when married daughters would return to their homes with the husbands and childrens and enjoy family reunion.

Third day of the New Year is the day to clean.

Did you know that water usage should be refrained for the first two days?

As people believe the first two days were celebration of the Water God, so people should refrain from washing and cleaning and avoid disturbing the Water God.

I only found out about it this year, so H and I both behaved (ie. refrained from taking out garbage, and doing cleaning etc lol) until today. 

Last night we visited Shoom for family dinner.

The RSVP was at 7:30pm but we waited until 8pm. We finally sat down and waited until 9pm before the dishes were served.

It was extremely busy at Shoom. The food was mediocre and quality of taste slid down a bit- probably due to overwhelming number of guests at the restaurants.

The lobby was packed with barely any space to manuever around. We finished almost everything except the last 3 dishes - yi mian, and two stir-fry noodles. 

Image result for 雅府食院溫哥華

(Pic: 人在溫哥華)

Enjoying family time is the most important thing for Lunar New Year celebration; everything else comes second.


On our way home, snow started and quickly blanketed the roads. Luckily that cities were well prepared this year, so the roads remain clear. Hunny drove more cautiously for safety reasons (appreciate).

I am supposed to study, then I came across a Netflix show that I wanted to share with you guys (if you are in need of some light entertainment lol) Netflix: Lookalikes

Basically, it's a show about how people debut their celebrity career as star lookalikes. Some of them look very similar that I am confused sometimes.

For example->

Image result for netflix show look alike

Left : lookalike, right: Chef Ramsey

They are not related in any way (at least the show did not mention any bits about possible family ties); without close scrutiny, it's difficult to tell them apart.

The show is light-hearted and fun to watch. It's an interesting reality show to add onto your watch list on a cold chilly night :3

As it's getting late, I must bid you good night. Have a great Lunar New Year full of wealth and health. May all your wishes come true and more!


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