

2021 溫哥華dine out持續進行中~這是我每年都要參加的年度盛事(因為太愛吃)

Dineout 2021 is here! It's an annual event for me and I try to participate every year LOL because I LOVE food so much & always up for a new adventure <3 hehe

This year is especially different because of COVID - the restos have to limit the number of customers and RSVPs, so be sure to book ASAP because the availability is gone in seconds. We managed to book Miku on the first day, and already they have only 5 spots left (!!) Isn't that crazy? Lesson to be learned: RSVP ASAP people!!




我跟朋友選擇Miku dineout 2021, 我第一次嘗試Miku,心中充滿興奮! 






Miku dineout menu:

我們選擇午餐,一個人$45 有前菜 主餐 點心 

基本上午餐跟晚餐內容差不多,晚餐會有更彭湃的主餐($55/人) 我們比較之下決定嘗試午餐

The dine-out menu offered lunch and dinner services. We reviewed the options and felt that the lunch set provided more menu since the selection are not drastically different from lunch to dinner. Lunch set is $45/person while dinner is $55/person. They also offer a vegetarian menu ($45/person) catering to different crowds - so you can find your thing here!


免費附送的味增湯↓↓ 開心~ 這個是menu沒有提到的,當服務生端上時我們有點受寵若驚

朋友之前來過Miku也沒有得到免費味增湯XD 發現我們很好打發,免費味增湯讓我們開心成這樣XDDD

We got free miso soup on the house! Friend said she didn't get this the time she visited, so we were happy and thankful for the miso soup LOL we were easily satisified, I's a bowl of miso soup hahahaha and it made our morning!



前菜: Appetizers:

上 (top) Aburi Albacore Tuna Salad 焰燒鮪魚沙拉 (朋友) 旁邊綠綠的是芥末牛油果醬,非常有創意(馬上學起來)

下 (bottom) Steamed BC Mussels (我的) 奶油白酒蒸清口加上兩尾蝦,搭麵包


前菜分量很足夠,吃完就差不多可以款款回家了 哈哈





We enjoyed the appetizers thoroughly. The tuna salad was exceptional - according to my friend. The fish was fresh and tasty, melts in your mouth. The avocado with wasabi sauce was genius! This would be a mix to attempt at home = =+

We were about 90% full after appie hehe.


主餐有兩樣選擇: (2 choices for the entree)


Aburi Chirashi Tart (來自Google) 我跟朋友沒有點這樣所以從網上找照片跟大家分享。如有侵權請告知!!

Image result for miku aburi sushi tart


很像是大份的壽司,飯很多,海鮮才是重點好嘛!!! (我們是愛吃鬼)

We did not get the chirashi tart so I borrowed this picture from Google - please let me know if there is infringement issue and I'd be more than glad to remove the picture above. I simply wish to share what the chirashi tart looks like. The serving appeared small (judging from the table next to us) so we were glad we we did not order this tart. It contained more rice than seafood!


Aburi sushi selection ↓↓

我們不約而同都點了同樣的主餐。畢竟來壽司餐廳還是希望可以吃到與眾不同的特色壽司,嘗試的種類越多越好 哈哈~

We both ordered the aburi sushi selection. Since we are at a sushi restaurant, the goal is to enjoy a wide selection and taste their best!!





飯給的超多(是在幹嘛啦!) 海鮮比例讓人失望。這種高級餐廳就是吃氣氛還有整體感,我們用$45吃三道菜也就當作一種體驗吧!

We were not impressed by the aburi sushi set because there is more rice than seafood!! WHAT!!! We did not come to a Japanese seafood restaurant for the sushi rice (Grrr) but we were on the dine-out menu so perhaps they adjusted the portion accordingly to fit their budget (aiii, who knows, eh?) Using this rationale to console our souls LOL


點心: Dessert:

Coconut Lime Leaf Mousse 椰子青檸慕斯蛋糕↓↓



我很喜歡這道點心,味道爽口剛好cleanse the palate (去除之前幾道菜的油膩,焰燒壽司有點油))

雖然我們已經很飽還是把甜點吃完(真的好好吃喔~) 酸甜度控制的剛好,不需要配茶或是咖啡就可以吃完 哈哈

We enjoyed this dessert because it was just the right flavour to cleanse our palates (especially after the aburi set, which is usually a bit greasy). The mousse was not sickly sweet so you could enjoy without coffee or tea. Even thought we were so full up to our throat, we managed to scrap our plates of the mousse hehehe - girls of insanity, I say! Nothing beats great food <3




最後要來個合照!!看到我們深厚的美麗海景嗎?好位置get!! 嘻嘻 很幸運

We were lucky to have a table by the window - look at our beautiful background. The weather was sunny and you could see the ocean and Canada Place <3


不免俗逼大家看我自拍XD 歲月要留下記憶不要留白 (Selfie always! Time is for memories not for blank spaces hehe)


我真是小資(窮酸派) 買了非常便宜的咖啡喝XDD 

Sorry for my Timmy on the side haha, such a discord in an upscale restaurant!








餐廳整潔度: 優,可以說是一塵不染。

我會再度光臨嗎? 如果只是為了壽司料理我不會。但如果宴客或是特別場合的話Miku是個非常好的選擇。



Overall review of Miku:

Service level - Excellent (5/5) the servers were attentive and friendly. They would observce your dining pace and have the kitchen prepare and deliver the next dish on-demand, so the food is served right out of the kitchen to ensure freshness. There is almost no wait-time. Everything was very sync, something I really appreciate about Japanese attention to detail. It was great. Due to COVID-19 rules, they have reduced table-side service to minimize contact. Instead of filling up your water or tea, they'd provide you with bottles of water so you could serve on your own - this is to ensure hygiene and decrease potential risk of contraction. All the servers were masked and gloved. They smiled with their eyes, and you could feel the warmth and friendliness regardless. It was exceptional.

Food quality - (3.5/5) the appies were AWESOME but we were there for the main course. We wished the sushi could be more "proportional" in the sense that "we did not come here for the sushi rice" LOL the seafood should take a bigger portion compared to the rice. This was a bit disappointing, but no complaint because we were filled up by the appies, and this is a dine-out menu so many regular orders would be different? 

Would I return?? To be honest, I probably would not revisit on regular days (unless I've won a $15 million jackpot) but Miku is very fitting for special occasions (ie. dates, evenings, entertaining guests from out-of-town). It's a great restaurant for the ambiance, view and just taking in the entire Vancouver in one meal. The restaurant is definitely upscale & it'd be a great treat for special outings.

In summary, we had a great time and Mikua has impressed me all-around & I would return once I have $15 million CAD in my pocket XD

Hope this has entertained your weekend <3 I will see you guys next time!

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    Hi Belle!! 

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