Coquille隱密的藏在Water Street上 跟朋友約會的當日我匆匆趕去還跑過頭哈哈
海藍的牆壁我 雲白的天空 餐廳的沙發座椅像是貝殼一樣
每個擺設都精心搭配讓我過目不忘 想跟大家分享
因為dine-out所以高朋滿座 人潮絡繹不絕
這次跟朋友約好了午餐約會 $35的菜單滿滿都是海鮮
海鮮湯 烤章魚 海瓜子還有青口等等 完全不手軟 樣樣都是餐廳招牌
海鮮濃湯seafood chowder, topped with shreds of potato
上面堆疊著馬鈴薯絲 用湯匙壓一壓馬上融入濃湯裡 很有飽足感
濃湯中有青口 鮮蝦 還有蚵仔
海鮮足夠 每一口都很實在呢 光是開胃菜我就飽了一半
This is my favourite dish in the whole meal. The potato shreds melt into the soup nicely to create thickness. The soup contained a lot of seafood that it fills you up quickly.
朋友點了沙拉 Burrata Cheese & Beetroot mint, breadcrumbs, black pepper
羊奶起司 薄荷葉 麵包片 紅菜頭 以黑胡椒調味
一開始我們還誤會上面是荷包蛋 結果是起司 XD
We thought it was an egg on the top but it was actually burrata cheese. The cheese added an extra layer of flavour so you don't feel like a sheep eating leaves.
起司讓整個沙拉的口味更有層次 不會有"牛吃草"的感覺
今年好像是紅菜頭的季節 ((很多餐廳都有這道菜呢))
主餐: Grilled Pacific Octopus chilies, ragout of white beans & sweet potato
烤章魚 白豆 還有番薯
Basically, this reminds me of what the sailors would eat during their time on the sea. I imagine that they would stock up on canned beans and other goods and that the captain or cook would just fry up the beans with handy seafood (ie. fish or octopus) and sautee with seasoning for the sailors to enjoy. Essentially, this is an authentic dish?
The grilled octopus was well made as it's still tender.
我的第一眼印象就是: 很像水手航海吃的菜 XD
海航的時候船上食物選擇有限 大多是罐頭 (豆子罐頭或是玉米等等 我猜) 撈到章魚以後切多塊然後混著豆子一起煮
▲我小小的感想 果然是道地的海鮮餐廳無誤呢
章魚料理的很好 好咬不會像是輪胎皮 豆子方面就是...豆子
Mussels steamed with cider
Though the name explains the cooking method - it's steamed with cider, but I tasted no cider. It's actually similar to the white wine mussel offered by Chambar. So far, Chambar still has the best mussels in my opinion.
味道跟chambar的白酒青口差不多 沒有蘋果酒的感覺
青口分量還好 搭配上烤麵包就容易飽足
點心方面有蛋糕 聖代 還有米布丁
朋友點了聖代:Soft Serve Sundae - Vanilla / Strawberry / Swirl
我沒有試吃聖代 朋友心得表示普通沒有特別之處
I didn't try the sundae but my friend said it was ok. Nothing amazing.
我則是點了米布丁rice pudding
裡面有葡萄乾還有紅糖 吃起來也普通不是特別驚豔
很像我在超市可以買到的rice pudding 然後回家自己加紅糖跟葡萄乾一樣XD
The rice pudding tasted very average. It's almost like something I could have bought from Superstore, and added raisin and brown sugar at home and it would've tasted the same LOL. I sound very picky here, but then I do have a certain expectation for dine-out (it's a decent restaurant so I would expect something above average).
服務很好但是菜餚普通 除了seafood chowder海鮮濃湯讓我超級喜歡以外其他都不特別
我們吃完以後過幾個小時都開始感到胃痛...@@ 晚上還吃了胃藥舒緩
但我們也猜不出來是哪一道菜有問題或是我們自己的問題? Dine-out吃過很多次 這是第一次肚子痛呢
1. 菜餚普通 我覺得跟價錢不符合
Average dishes that are easily replaceable or you can find elsewhere. Nothing stood out or gave me "wow that's amazing"
2. 服務很好 所以分數才超過5 XD
Great service so I awarded a score higher than 5 LOL
3. 幾個小時過後肚子痛...@@
Stomach ache after eating... that's not a good sign.
總結不會回去吃 有些地方吃個經驗就好了
Coquille還有晚餐的dine-out好像比較華麗呢 ($45) 也許大家會有不一樣的體驗
給你們一個參考 趁著美食節多出去走走也是好的
Coquille @ 181 Carrall St, Vancouver, BC V6B 0R5