1886 @ Parq Vancouver
Advertised a high-end classic Chinese dim sum restaurant in the hotel of JW Marriot. The restaurant boasts a menu with a variety of traditional Chinese dim sum dishes with expensive ingredients. From Shanghainese pork soup dumpling with lobster bisque to black pepper Angus beefcake, each dish comes with its own uniqueness and hefty price tag LOL
Luckily, 1886 now offers all-you-can-eat dim sum (two-hour dining restriction) so we can all enjoy a high-end dim sum with our buddies without breaking the bank.
1886定位於高級飲茶餐廳,開在Parq Vancouver飯店之中。跟Casino是合併的所以入內前要看過ID大家要記得帶錢包((哈哈))
We made RSVP a week ahead of time just in case they run out of spots. We were the first seating at 10:30am; the second seating starts at 12:30pm etc. The restaurant was elegant and clean with a hint of elegance. The wait staff was friendly and provided great service.
定位是必須的唷~吃到飽服務到下午2:30結束。第一場是10:30, 之後是12:30然後就結束了
To celebrate this special dim sum gathering, we ordered almost everything on the menu (aside from congee and spare ribs).
We started with a cold dish of chicken strips with bean sprouts and cucumber as the appetizer. The treat was complimentary; it was a great gesture of 1886 as there was somewhat of a lengthy wait in-between the dishes (around 30-40 minutes).
入座以後點了茶還有點心,等了大概半小時有服務生送上"雞絲沙拉" 免費招待
The world-famous shu mai 魚子燒賣
Duck and mashed taro puff 鴨蓉芋頭酥
Shanghainese pork soup dumpling with lobster bisque 龍蝦湯小籠包
It's really delicious that we ordered two servings of them! Strongly recommended!
小籠包味道很好>< 我們連吃了兩籠壓
A second complimentary dish from 1886 - Spicy Wonton 紅油炒手
Black pepper and angus beef cake 安格斯牛肉燒餅
Just like the dumpling that this beefcake oozes of tasty broth; take caution before taking your first bite! The meat is flavourful and tender. The puff pastry is well-made and the layers melt in your mouth like clouds (disintegrates like clouds) 牛肉燒餅內有湯汁所以食用多小心。朋友一大口咬下去差點燙到= =+ 外皮酥脆火侯剛剛好,內裡的牛肉餡很飽滿香嫩,很推薦呢~
Deep fried durian pastry 酥炸榴槤球
My first time having durian... quite an interesting taste! I've never had durian before and my first try is having it in the form of a dessert. Though deep fried, the outer crust was far from greasy. The durian was kept intact in flavour. It was not overpowering but provided a hint of "durian fragrance" that dances and lingers on your palate. 第一次吃榴槤(還是以甜點的方式)可以嘗到榴槤本身的味道,沒有被點心或是酥炸的過程給蓋過,很特別。如果是冰淇淋我應該更愛XD
Red bean and coconut pudding 椰汁紅豆糕
I will admit that I am a sucker for red bean... I will order anything with red bean!! The pudding was a great dessert following the deep fried durian puffs. It's refreshing and "QQ (my way of describing anything that's bot soft & firm that al dente). 我很愛吃紅豆,每次都會為餐廳的紅豆糖水而瘋狂。這道點心來的正好>< 剛剛吃過炸物現在配個清爽的布丁很讚。吃起來QQ的很有彈性~
Papa puff (not in the online menu) we ordered out of curiosity. The puffs looked like a red velvet cake; the inside is filled with whipped cream. Average taste. I wouldn't order it again.
泡芙 網上菜單沒有寫我們是在餐廳直接點的,名字就是Papa puff
外表看起來像是red velvet紅絲絨蛋糕,裡面是鮮奶油,味道普通,嘗過就算了
Our number 1 favourite of the day was chilled mango sago cream with pomelo. There are many dessert shops offering this treat but this is the best I've had so far! Because we were so in love with this, we ordered two servings as well... walking out of 1886 like bloated piggies LOL
楊枝金露 是我們今天大家的最愛! 冰涼合宜搭配上濃濃芒果露還有滿滿果肉真的太好吃!
We ordered many more dishes but I wasn't able to capture all of them. In conclusion, it was a great dining experience and I'd recommend you to try it out at least once this summer!
其實點了很多但沒有每樣都拍到XD 我不好意思一直耽誤人家用餐啦!
跟朋友聚餐放鬆是很重要的呢 = =+ 整體來說all you can eat滿好的,可以試到許多不同的飲茶點心
這個風光明媚的夏天大家趕快去定位吃一輪啦! 哈哈