It's been an incredible year since our first date. This is a memorable moment so I’ve chosen to record the event of this special day. How this romantic story unravelled was our first dinner with friends. Once upon a night, we met in Banana Leaf and had Malaysian dinner together with S+L. I remember my reaction when laying eyes on you- you are TALL and in RIPPED JEANS and BOOTS. I made a bow, which you have been teasing me since. We met over dinner, shared bubble tea, then we left on our separate ways. The real catalyst for our relationship was “Terrace House”; when we started discussing about details of the show.
For almost 2 weeks, we’ve been busy with our lives; no meetings or dates ensued. However, your warm + constant text messages warmed my heart and reminded me that you are only “one call away” (then we moved to whatsapp lol because I texted you too much).
We met for our first date almost a month after. The date night VIP movie at Marine Drive- John Wick 2. What a violent movie for our first date! Coincidentally, I watched John Wick 1 so John Wick 2 was no problem: D. The movie was much better than the first. After enjoying dinner at VIP Cineplex, we had dessert at DoReMi. Even at that moment, I wasn’t sure if we were in a relationship LOL I think it was a while after when you confirmed your feelings for moi.
Fast forward to a year after, we visited the same VIP Cineplex at Marine Drive. We saw Black Panther together. I know the movie received high ravings so… you must go see and judge for yourself! Our plan was to have dinner at Stem; unfortunately, the restaurant was fully booked. You said “sorry…” because you didn’t figure it’d be such a popular diner. Though a little disappointed, I did not mind too much. We headed to Victoria Sushi and arrived at 8:30pm, when they served us with lightning speed. Food actually came up fast, hot and fresh! (Note to self: visit before closing, lol). We had Red Dragon Roll, Salmon Oshi, Tobiko Oshi, Ebi Oshi and chicken karaage. I also had a Sapporo just because LOL.
Thank you for the 365 days of fun, adventure, ups+downs. There were moments that we have nothing to say to each other. There were times our views conflict with one another. There were days we chilled in silence contently, and times when we couldn’t shut up. There were life-threatening moments (ie. Jeju) that you were the only thing on my mind- have you healthy and sound.
I <3 making food for you because I enjoy seeing the happy smile on your face.
I <3 buying mandarin peels because that’s your fav. guilty (not really) pleasure.
I <3 how we support each other even when times are tough.
I <3 how you hold my hands when we walk.
I <3 how we are both lovers of good food.
I <3 how you always have me on your mind and always want the best for me.
I <3 how you come to pick me up out of the blue. It sounds simple but there is great effort behind even the smallest gesture.
The biggest one was my shiba brotherhood. From non-chalant to adoring them as much as I do. I love stuffed animals and you have grown to adore them, too.
We have very different taste in life and in our daily things. I am glad that we are approaching to a mutual level together and learning more about each other day-by-day.
We made it! & I cannot wait to visit the place (Japan) that tied us together...
他就突然說 "你看過terrace house嗎?" 我就說沒有
他說 :你長得很像那個主持人!
我說: 誰?
他說 : ㄚㄚ我要找給你看!
((就是他! 居然說我跟他很像會不會太超過?? 爽爽的))
見面就看了一部超級暴力血腥的動作片 John Wick 2
我也佩服自己因為這個是我的口味XD 在電影院看動作驚悚片比較過癮呢!
他吃芒果冰,我光看就發抖@@ 那算是一個小約會
故事就慢慢發展~ 很慢很慢~
他認識我之前,沒去過大統華 (驚訝嗎)
他認識我之前,不知道中國菜可以在家做! 他本來沒有醬油沒有醋也沒有五香粉之類的東西在家裡
看了一部普通的片子XD 但他很有心買了VIP的電影票
Victoria Sushi讓我們飆車過去,8:30到達,菜都上的飛快!
一種淡淡的 "阿~一年啦,還不錯嘛" 的感覺