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女孩子多少還是會有嚮往的吧? 同事跟男朋友是認識很久很久很久 兩個家庭也互相認識

不只是兩個人相處和諧 家長們也都很喜歡對方家庭

兩個人 跟兩個家庭 因為這樣的結合都感到非常幸福


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同事說 認識這麼久了 會走到這樣的結局是理所當然的

我卻覺得 完全不是這麼一回事呢! 雖然是愛情長跑

但世界上沒有"因為這樣所以理所當然就會發生之後的事情" 在愛情裡更是沒有這樣的邏輯呢




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對於愛情 心理是有深深恐懼的

未來嗎? 很難想像自己可以像同事一樣 穿著白紗笑得那麼開心




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Mondays are usually accompanied with Monday blues. After crawling on the floor in search of a missing quarter, the blissful news of marital union lit up the rest of my day. Weddings always move me. The smiles on everyone's face always touch my soul deeply. It's ultimate and irresplaceable joy.

My colleagues have known each other for many years. The bride said it's an expected outcome after knowing one another for several years. I said, it's nothing to be taken for granted. Being in a relationship is one thing, to give the promise of life-long love is another. It takes a lot of a person for such a big decision in life. There must be something irreplaceable that you saw in each other before reaching a state of mutual comfort and security, and the desire to establish a home together.

It's so dreamy and incredible to me. Looking at her wedding picture, I hope that one day, I could have some the same heart-felt joyful smile she had in the photo, under the white veil.

With much positivity and congratulations for the newlyweds, Monday blue seem to have evaporated into thin air. Smiles cannot be bigger and more wonderful.


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    創作者 滾動的壽司蛋糕 的頭像

    Hi Belle!! 

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